Class CurrencyCreate


This Class represents a dataobject for creating a Currency

Variable Summary
double $Currency
string $Decimal
string $DecimalCount
string $Iso
string $Point
int $Round
string $Symbol
string $SymbolPlace
string $Title
double $Currency

The value of the Currency

string $Decimal

The decimal character for the currency

string $DecimalCount

The number of decimals after the decimalmark of the currency

string $Iso

The ISOcode of the Currency

string $Point

The thousand seperator character for the currency

int $Round

Indicates how Products in the Order are rounded for the Currency (0 no rounding, 1 round up to closest integer, 2 round down to closest integer)

string $Symbol

The symbol of the currency

string $SymbolPlace

Whether the currency symbol belongs on the 'left' or 'right' side of the number

string $Title

The title of the Currency

Documentation generated on Thu, 26 Jul 2018 13:22:45 +0000 by phpDocumentor 1.4.4